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Added/Modified on December 20, 2016

Treatment with water has great health benefits. Japanese water therapy is well-known from old times that drinking water is generally very good for health. Water is great sourse of life and it is necessary element for each function in organism. Without water is impossible to imagine bloodstream to work sufficiently or to have healthy kidnies, brain, muscles, nervous system, metabolism, regulation of body temperature, proper functioning of joints, skeletal system or successful elimination of harmful substances. It is quite clear that there is no life without water.

Beside quenching thirst, water has remedial effect, purifies organism and removes negative energy. Frequent showering, especially swimming remove stress, relay the muscles and nerves and removes negative energy. There is wide-spreaded belief that it also removes magic or spells.

Japanese traditional medicine recommends to drink water just after awakening because its natural health benefits. Scientifical researches officially approve effectiveness of this habit. Japanese treating with water gives good results in treating many illnesses and it is officially approved as natural remedy in cases of meningitis, diabetes, gastritis, headache, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, epilepsy, other pains in the body, heart problems, fat in the blood, kidney diseases and urinary pathways, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation bowel, hemorrhoids, eye disease, ears, nose and throat, uterus, cancer and menstrual disorder.

Treatment with Water Therapy

According to the Japanese water therapy, treatment with water needs to be conducted on regular basis: in the morning, before brushing teeth, it is recommended to drink 4 glasses of water (4x160ml) what means 640ml of it. After that, it is not recommended to eat or drink anything for 45 minutes. After this period, it is recommended to eat breakfast normally and than to stop with eating for the next 2 hours.

Japanese water therapy do not have any negative effects and it is good to take it during the whole life because of condition and overall good state of organism. It is good to know that it is not recommended to drink cold water but hot water. Cold water fight fat taken from food and slows digestion in this way. Damages can appear in the intestinal villi and also occurrence of obesity.

The Length of the Treatment with Water

The length of the treatment with water depends on type of illness.

1. High blood pressure (30 days) 2. Diabetes (30 days) 3. Gastritis (10 days) 4. Constipation (10 days) 5. Tuberculosis (90 days) 6. Cancer (180 days)

7. People who suffer from arthritis, this therapy may carry only three days in the first week, then daily

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Herbal Remedies For Gout – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on July 19, 2016

The problem of gout may result from excessive production of uric acid. Gout results in joint inflammation. There are two types of gout – acute and chronic. Acute gout affects only one joint and is characterized by pain. On the other hand, chronic gout may affect more than one joint and is characterized by inflammation and pain.

Gout is generally caused by factors such as consumption of a diet rich in purine, intake of alcohol and kidney diseases. The problem of gout may be cured with the use of below mentioned herbal remedies.


The symptoms of gout can be treated with the use of parsley. Intake of parsley on a regular basis can help in reducing the swelling resulting from gout.

Consumption of parsley supplements can also provide the desired results by flushing out excess uric acid from the body.

Burdock Root

Burdock root can be used in the treatment of gout. Use of this herb in any form may help in reducing the pain associated with gout. It can also reduce the joint inflammation. Burdock root can be included in daily salad items. It can also be cooked and consumed as a vegetable. Another alternative is to drink tea prepared with dried burdock root and water. Soaking the affected area in this tea (after it has cooled down) may also provide effective results.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper can be mixed with lukewarm apple cider vinegar to create a solution. This solution can be applied on the affected joint with the use of a clean cotton cloth.

Another alternative is to apply a paste created by mixing a lesser amount of apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper. It is important to note that the application of cayenne pepper may result in a burning sensation. Therefore, this paste is required to be removed immediately if an individual experiences pain after the application.


Drinking dandelion tea prepared by boiling dried dandelion in water can also help in the excretion of uric acid from the body. This remedy can be used multiple times on a daily basis to treat the symptoms of gout.


Bromelain can be used to obtain relief from the pain and inflammation associated with gout. It is important to consume this herb under the supervision of a health consultant if an individual is taking blood thinning medicines.


Turmeric can be used in the treatment of gout. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, regular consumption of turmeric can help in reducing the inflammation resulting from the problem of gout. Turmeric should be used as per the instructions of a medical practitioner as it can increase the effect of blood thinning medicines.


Chamomile has been recognized as one of the best herbal remedies for gout. Intake of chamomile tea can provide relief from gout.

This tea may help in improving the digestion of proteins which may result in the dissolution of uric acid. Use of chamomile also helps in preventing the build-up of uric acid in the joints.

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Charlie Horse Home Remedy – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on June 23, 2016

It never fails—you’ll be fast asleep when all of a sudden you feel that familiar and almost unbearable pain.

It’s almost a given that when you get a Charlie horse it’s in the still of the night and it sure comes on with a bang. This throbbing pain comes out of the blue and really hits you like a ton of bricks.

You can feel the muscles of the leg tense up and the pain can be excruciating. So getting rid of a charlie horse, particularly if it’s in the middle of the night, is probably a priority for you.

It can also be helpful to figure out what is causing this painful condition so that you don’t have to deal with it again if possible.

A charlie horse is a very common condition and therefore doesn’t usually require that one seek medical attention.

There are conditions such as pregnancy that can contribute to the likelihood of these painful irritations occurring, but at some point in your life you will probably be hit by at least one.

Determining the best methods by which to get rid of a charlie horse and to work towards preventing them from ever occurring again can be quite beneficial.

Fortunately there are some excellent natural cures for the very common charlie horse.

Vitamin E:

For those that frequently suffer from the charlie horse at night, there may be a deficiency.

Many believe that taking proper levels of Vitamin E can help to get rid of the charlie horse altogether.

This home remedy is rather simple as just taking a daily supplement of Vitamin E can help to build up proper levels within the body.

As a charlie horse that occurs frequently is also believed to be associated with circulatory problems, Vitamin E can be of great help with that as well.


If you are stuck with a charlie horse in the middle of the night or even during physical activity it can be hard to calm down and try to ignore the pain.

However proper stretching may be one of the best home remedies for a charlie horse.

Standing on the unaffected leg and slowly pulling the ankle up towards the back and stretching out the leg can help to alleviate the pain and ultimately get rid of the charlie horse.


Another deficiency that is believed to be associated with the charlie horse is magnesium.

If you are having a lot of pain or the recurrence of the charlie horse, bumping up your magnesium consumption can be of great assistance.

This natural cure will help to prevent the charlie horse from coming back at all.

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Essiac Tea – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on July 19, 2016

Tea name: Essiac Tea.

Also known as: There are no other common names for this herbal mixture which is used to steep as a tea.

Essiac tea is a blend of herbs first developed by a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse.

Rene Caisse named the blend of herbs by spelling her last name backwards.

What is Essiac Tea? Essiac tea is a mixture of herbs. These herbs include burdock, slippery elm, red clover, watercress, blessed thistle, kelp, and indian rhubarb root.

Various producers of essiac tea may include all eight herbs, while other teas labels as essiac tea may contain only four or more of the herbs.

There is a great deal of debate as to which exact blend of herbs Rene Caisse used in her original tea recipe.

Benefits and Uses of Essiac Tea:

Essiac tea is often listed as being beneficial for ‘general health’.

More specifically, essiac tea is said to: ◦Help diabetics maintain proper blood sugar levels ◦Fight cancer and the effects of aging ◦Improve immune system response

◦Prevent or help cure liver dysfunction

Essiac tea is used by people concerned with their overall health.

Diabetics seeking natural remedies use the tea to help reduce the need for painful injections of insulin.

However, essiac tea does not replace the need for proper blood testing and maintenance of diabetes.

Essiac tea is generally purchased in its loose, bulk form.

It can then be steeped using a tea ball or by wrapping a cluster of the herbal blend in a piece of cheesecloth.

You can also purchase tea bags of this beneficial tea for greater convenience.

The tea is steeped in boiling water and sipped as a beverage which can be taken plain or sweetened with sugar, honey, or any other type of sweetener desired.

Milk, lime, or lemon may be added if desired.

Side Effects of Essiac Tea:

Slippery elm has the potential to interact with certain prescription medications, particularly those which thin the blood such as Warfarin.

Persons who use blood thinning medications or have problems with blood clotting should consult a physician before using essiac tea.

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Cavities Home Remedy – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on June 22, 2016

Cavities can be rather painful and at times even frustrating as they can interfere with something as simple as eating certain foods. Some people are just more prone to the onset of cavities due to genetics or lifestyle, but they can affect anyone at any time.

Cavities are especially common in children and those that aren’t as good about brushing their teeth as they should be.

Good oral hygiene can help to remove food particles and bacteria that over time can turn into cavities.

When you find that you are suffering from pain or having difficulty chewing on a spot in your mouth, then it’s highly likely that you have been affected by a cavity.

For those that get cavities, it can be really helpful to seek medical attention. In most cases, cavities need to be filled and only a dentist can be of assistance with that.

Cavities are usually cured by this method but there are certain measures that one can handle on their own to prevent them from coming back.

Fortunately there are some very simple home remedies that can help you manage the symptoms of cavities and prevent them from returning. Considering that the natural cures for cavities are simple in their approach but very powerful in helping you to get rid of them, they are well worth looking at.

Use a Straw

It may sound too simple, but drinking through a straw can help you in the prevention of tooth decay.

If you want a very simple home remedy for cavities and to work towards their prevention, then a straw can be just the thing you are looking for.

By using a straw, you are eliminating any sugary drinks to coat your teeth and thus this is a natural cure in the prevention of cavities.

Drink Unsweetened Tea

Green tea and Black tea both have anti-bacterial properties that fight tooth decay

Dragons Blood/Sangre de Drago

A resin from a tree called Dragons’s Blood or Sangre-de-drago, can be used as a mouth wash or put directly on your teeth to fight decay. This is an old remedy that has been used for its disinfectant qualities.

Cloves or Clove Oil

Clove and Clove oil can help with the pain of tooth decay and also contains anti-bacterial qualities to help with dental hygiene.

Brushing/Proper Timing of Eating

Brushing after every meal or snack can certainly help to act as a natural cure for cavities.

Just taking the simple measure of eating close to the time you will be brushing your teeth can help to act as a home remedy for cavities.

No matter the type of food, the longer bacteria and plaque are allowed to remain on the teeth, the likelihood of cavities developing will increase.

If you always brush right after or very close to the time you will be eating there will be less bacteria, acids and and plaque on your teeth which will help you to possibly avoid cavities completely.


Eating cheeses like cheddar, brie and blue can be an excellent and most delicious home remedy for cavities.

The calcium and phosphate in cheese helps to act as a barrier to the plaque, breaking down cavity causing acids and thus protecting the teeth from decay.

This can be a very helpful natural cure to cavities and work well towards the prevention. The cheese can be a tasty snack eaten after and between meals.

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Natural Cures For Dermatitis – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on January 6, 2017

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin and is sometimes referred to as “Eczema”. This problem is not contagious. However, it can be uncomfortable and can result in itching, pain, swelling and blisters. Skin redness and lesions are other common symptoms. Common causes include allergic reaction, oily skin or hair, stress and tension and so on.

Various inexpensive natural remedies are available to deal with the problem of dermatitis.

Water/Milk Compress

You can keep a piece of cotton cloth soaked in cold water on the rash for a period of 10 to 15 minutes to reduce the itching. Use of this natural remedy multiple times in a day can also help in the treatment of weeping blisters. Another alternative is to use a milk compress.

Soothing Bath

You can mix colloidal oatmeal to a bucket of warm water and take a bath with this mixture to deal with the symptoms of dermatitis. It is important to note that this remedy may not help in the treatment of rash. Another option is to mix baking soda in warm water.

Vitamin C and E

You can consume items containing vitamin C and E to improve your immune system. It is essential to consume these vitamins along with zinc and selenium for obtaining best results. This remedy can help in fighting the bacteria and healing the skin.

Practice Meditation and Yoga

Dermatitis can also be caused by stress. You should try to reduce stress by practicing yoga and breathing exercises. You can also meditate on a regular basis to relax your mind and reduce mental pressure and tension.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can be used as a natural remedy. You can consume aloe vera juice on a daily basis for getting the desired results. You can also apply aloe vera pulp on the affected part of your skin. Another option is to rub the affected area with a mixture of aloe vera gel and yogurt. Application of this mixture can help in reducing itching, redness and inflammation.


You can consume dandelion in the form of tea or tincture. You can drink dandelion tea several times in a day to obtain relief. Intake of dandelion tincture can also provide effective results. Dandelion juice mixed with carrot juice can also be consumed.

Oregon Grape Root

Intake of oregon grape root extract can help in detoxifying the body. Removal of toxins can provide relief from the inflammation caused by dermatitis.


Chamomile supplements can be consumed to reduce the inflammation. You can apply chamomile topical cream on the rash to reduce itching and burning sensation. This natural remedy should be used only after obtaining permission from your doctor.

Witch Hazel

You can apply creams containing witch hazel to obtain relief from itching. Witch hazel extract can also be applied on the affected area to treat the weeping/oozing blisters caused by dermatitis.

Green Tea

You can consume green tea to cool your body and control dermatitis. Drinking green tea on a regular basis can cure itching and inflammation.

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Constipation Home Remedy – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on October 10, 2016

Constipation is not usually a health topic that many people like to discuss. Though there are a variety of reasons why one may suffer from constipation, the inability to evacuate is not often a topic for conversation.

Usually when one suffers from this condition, they want to get help quickly and subtly. It’s important to realize that there are a variety of reasons or possible conditions that can lend way to constipation.

Constipation can occur from too little fiber in the diet, not enough water intake, or even come about after surgery. Constipation can sometimes be brought on by a more serious condition such as diabetes or a tumor, but it is likely associated with something much less serious.

Whatever the cause of constipation, most people don’t usually seek medical attention. As this condition can appear from time to time, it can be quite helpful to find a natural cure rather than turn to an over-the-counter medication that can leave you with the opposite problem.

Natural Cures for Constipation:

It can ease people’s minds to know that there are some excellent and highly effective home remedies for constipation.

These are very natural in most cases and will therefore leave you feeling better without any other undesired side effects.


Cabbage has a great deal of fiber in and of itself and can be a helpful part of any diet.

Drinking a cup of cabbage juice twice a day can act as a very natural home remedy.


This may sound like an odd concoction but this natural cure is very effective and can do wonders to get rid of constipation.

Take a handful of grapes and then boil them in milk.

After the mixture has cooled, drink the milk and eat the grapes.


Mix a half cup of olive oil and orange juice equally.

This is best when consumed each morning and will provide relief rather quickly.


Both the guava and mango fruits contain generous amounts of fiber, just eating these fruits in the morning or at night when you are afflicted with constipation is a delicious cure.

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Crohns Disease home remedy – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on November 26, 2016

If you suffer from Crohns disease or know somebody who does, you are likely aware of just how painful it can really be.

This disease starts as an inflammation of the intestines and usually initially affects the lower part of the intestine. As the disease worsens, the pain becomes worse as the walls of the intestines thicken over time.

Though the severity and symptoms vary by person, the pain is undeniable. People who suffer from Crohn’s disease may grow used to the painful flare ups that they have but it can make for a poor quality of life.

In the most extreme cases, the condition may likely even interfere with nutrients being absorbed by the body for proper organ function.

Though there is no known cause for Crohn’s disease, learning to manage the symptoms and the associated pain can become essential. As people fight to lessen the impact or frequency of the painful flare-ups, they often turn to medication.

It is highly recommended to seek medical advice if you feel that you are exhibiting the symptoms of Crohns disease to get a proper diagnosis.

While there are some helpful medications that can help to manage the pain, they can also be taken with proper home remedies for Crohn’s disease.

Natural Cures for Crohns Disease:

Eat Fruit & Vegetables:

A new study reports that broccoli and plantains could stop the progression of Crohns disease. The broccoli and plantains fiber slowed E. coli, which is helpful and possibly protective against Crohns disease.

Flaxseed Oil:

We see flaxseed and flaxseed oil turn up as a natural cure for many conditions, and so too is it quite helpful for Crohn’s disease.

Taking flaxseed oil each and every day can be helpful in repairing the digestive tract, allowing the flare-ups to lessen and the pain to subside a bit.

Eliminate Refined Carbohydrates:

Eating foods that are high in sugar or refined carbohydrates is believed to have a link to Crohn’s disease, so eliminating these foods from your diet can help you to get rid of Crohn’s disease or at least the lessen the symptoms.

Replacing foods such as white rice and pastas and sugary cereals with whole grain versions can be a huge help.

It can also be helpful to add in non-acidic and fresh vegetables in place of the sugary foods such as carrots and spinach.

Vitamin D Supplements:

A study reports that increasing intake of vitamin D may help reduce the risk of relapse of Chrons Disease.

Participants took either 1,200 IU of vitamin D in supplement form or a placebo pill once daily for 12 months. By the end of the study, only 13% of the vitamin D group had suffered a relapse as compared to 29%of participants in the placebo group).Garlic:

We see garlic turn up again as an excellent natural cure and this time for Crohn’s disease.

Garlic not only helps ease an upset stomach but combats free radicals that can contribute to the symptoms of Crohn’s disease.

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Herbal Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on December 20, 2016

Urinary tract infection results from a bacterial infection. This infection can affect bladder, kidney and urethra. An individual suffering from this problem may experience a lot of pain and inconvenience. Other common symptoms of this infection include a constant urge to urinate, burning sensation while urinating and so on.

Urinary tract infection may also result in fever, nausea and vomiting. This problem occurs more frequently in women. It is advisable to consult a medical practitioner for obtaining proper treatment for urinary tract infection. This infection may also be treated with the use of different herbs.


Drinking fresh cranberry juice multiple times on a daily basis may help in preventing the recurrences of urinary tract infections.

Cranberry juice contains proanthocyanidin which prevents the bacteria from attaching to the lining/walls of the bladder. Cranberry supplements can also be consumed after obtaining approval from a doctor to obtain the desired results.


Urinary tract infections can also be treated with the use of horseradish. An individual can consume a mixture created by adding 2 to 3 drops of this herb’s essential oil in a drink to get the desired results. It is important to note that excessive intake of horseradish can result in side effects such as vomiting or excessive sweating. Therefore, it is essential to consume this herb in small quantities.


Goldenseal contains a compound called berberine which has antibacterial properties.

Goldenseal can be consumed in the form of herbal tea to treat urinary tract infections. Intake of goldenseal capsule or tincture may also provide effective results.

Marshmallow Root

Intake of marshmallow root tea can help in bladder cleansing. Regular use of this herbal remedy can prevent bacterial growth. Marshmallow capsule or tincture can also be used for treating urinary tract infections.


Consumption of buchu tea can help in increasing urination and killing the bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections. Use of this herb can also help in treating kidney infections.

Uva ursi

Uva ursi is also referred to as “Bearberry”. It is considered as one of the best herbal remedies for urinary tract infections. Intake of this herb increases urination and thereby helps in flushing the bacteria out of the bladder.

It is generally advisable to consume this herb only for a period of 6 to 7 days. Uva ursi should not be used by an individual having a kidney disorder or gastrointestinal inflammation.


An individual can use dandelion in the treatment of urinary tract infections. This herb acts as a diuretic. Intake of dandelion as a part of salad items or in the form of herbal tea helps in removing harmful bacteria from the bladder


Goldenrod is widely used in Europe for obtaining relief from urinary tract infections. This herb can be used in the form of capsules or herbal tea.

Regular intake of this herbal remedy can help an individual in dealing with various symptoms associated with urinary tract infections.

Couch Grass

Couch grass tea can be consumed on a regular basis to treat urinary tract infections. Another alternative is to consume couch grass in the form of a tincture.

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Herbal Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection, 1.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Kombucha Tea – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on December 15, 2016

Tea name: Kombucha Tea.

Also known as: Kombucha tea is often known by as many as 70 other names.

Some of the more commonly used alternate names for kombucha tea include: ◦Miracle tea ◦Miracle cure tea ◦Kombucha mushroom tea ◦Kombucha culture tea ◦Teekvas ◦Kombuckavass ◦Cainii kvass ◦Kvas ◦Champignon miracle ◦Combucha ◦Brinum-Ssene ◦Fungo-japon Kombucha ◦Manchurian Mushroom ◦Tea Fungus ◦Tea Sponge ◦Tea Wine

◦Kargasok Tea

What is kombucha tea? Kombucha tea is a fermented tea based beverage created from tea leaves and the kombucha mushroom.

Sometimes it is made from the active kombucha culture which contains healthy bacteria, fungi, and micro-organisms.

Home Remedies using Kombucha Tea:

Kombucha tea is called the ‘cure all’ tea because it is said to provide such a wide range of health benefits.

These include: ◦Improved immune system response ◦Feeling of improved health and vitality ◦More energy ◦Reduction of cravings to aid in weight loss

◦Reduction of cancer risk

Uses of Kombucha Tea:

Kobucha tea is primarily used by those who seek overall better health and an improved immunity response.

By naturally improving the body’s immune response, many diseases can be resisted, even during the seasons when diseases such as the common cold are so prevalent.

While it is said to have some helpful attributes for weight loss, the primary function is improved health and vitality.

The list of active substances in this tea is quite impressive: ◦Lactic acid ◦Acetic acid ◦Malic acid ◦Oxalic acid ◦Gluconic acid ◦Butyric acid ◦Nucleic acids ◦Amino acids ◦Enzymes

◦Vitamins B and C

Kombucha tea is made using regular sweetened tea and the kombucha mushroom or culture by purchasing and using a kit to extract the beneficial substances from the culture as well as the tea leaves.

The brewing process usually takes 7 to 10 days.

Another way to make kombucha tea is to obtain a “baby” culture or “scoby” from a friend who has started brewing their own tea.

Use food grade glass containers to brew your kombucha tea.

Do not brew kombucha tea in lead crystal, ceramic or painted containers.

Side Effects of Kombucha Tea:

Because potential health risks of kombucha tea are not known, see your physician first if you have immune deficiencies or other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant and breastfeeding.

If the enamel on your teeth has been worn down; because of kombucha teas acidic content, make sure you brush or rinse your teeth with fluoride.

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