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Asthma Home Remedy – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on February 7, 2014

Asthma can be a debilitating condition for those who suffer from it. The very act of exercise or just simple tasks can cause somebody to launch into an attack.

Asthma is an inflammation of the airways or the bronchi and it affects either the way in which air enters or goes out.

This inflammation can make breathing difficult for the individual suffering from the condition, and can often result in an asthma attack whereby it becomes very difficult for the sufferer to catch their breath.

Many who suffer from asthma must walk around everywhere with an inhaler. This is to help them breathe in fresh air, particularly if they are faced with an attack and need to calm their body down and get the air that they need.

This can be a frustrating condition for children and adults alike and is often rather difficult to rely on that tiny little inhaler to get some piece of mind.

Many search for a natural cure or home remedy of some sort to help them deal with the symptoms and possible attacks associated with asthma.

The good news is that there are some excellent home remedies that can really help those that suffer with the very frustrating asthma.


Garlic should be boiled with milk and then given to the individual suffering from asthma.

This should be given every day in an effort to open up the air passages and minimize the effects and the likelihood of an attack or flare up.


Honey is a rather versatile natural cure for asthma symptoms.

If you put a container of honey under the nose of the person suffering from an asthma attack, it can provide almost immediate relief as it opens up the passageways as the individual breaths it in.

Honey can also be mixed with water and consumed three times a day to provide longer lasting relief as a home remedy for asthma.

Honey can also be mixed with garlic cloves as a very helpful natural cure.

Radish, Honey, and Lemon Juice:

Mixing together radish, honey, and lemon juice in a blender can make a very powerful and natural cure for the asthma sufferer.

This mixture can do wonders for dealing with the onset of symptoms and even eliminating flare ups.

Mustard Oil and Camphor:

If the individual is suffering from an attack, there are a couple of things to keep on hand as a natural home remedy.

Mixing mustard oil and camphor creates a natural cure and should be rubbed over the front and the back of the chest to aid in breathing and eliminating the symptoms that an attack can bring on.

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