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Pomegranate Tea – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on December 30, 2016

Also Known As: Punica granatum L., Chinese apple

Native to Africa, the Pomegranate is a small sized fruit-bearing tree that is now cultivated throughout the world, including in the United States.

The pomegranate fruit is the size of a large orange and has a leathery reddish-pink outer rind.

Inside the fruit, a thick membrane wall and tissue protects about 600 seeds that are surrounded by a translucent red seed casings or arils. The pulpy arils have a sweet-tart taste.

What is Pomegranate Tea? Pomegranate Tea is made from either the fruit juice extracted from the arils, or from the dried or fresh arils and seeds.

The Pomegranate juice is also used in drinks and as a dietary supplement. Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

The Pomegranate tea is often added to a black, green, or other herbal tea to form a blend. Most pomegranate tea bags come in a blend with other teas.

Pomegranate Tea Preparation:

Made from Pomegranate Juice:
◦Warm the juice, and sweeten to taste. Or add pomegranate juice to any black, green, or herbal tea.

Made from Dried Pomegranate Seeds: ◦3 ounces dried pomegranate seeds ◦6 cups water

◦1 teaspoon Splenda sugar substitute (Can use honey, sugar, or stevia to taste.)

Bring water to rolling boil. Add seeds to pot and turn heat to low. Simmer for about 3 minutes. Remove tea from heat and allow to steep 10-15 minutes. Strain and sweeten.

Made From Fresh Pomegranate Seeds:

Separate seeds from the pomegranate. This can be done with the membranes and seeds in a bowl of water. The membrane floats, while the seeds sink to the bottom.

Crush seeds in a food processor, or with mortar and pestle. Boil water and follow dried pomegranate tea recipe as above.

Home Remedies Using Pomegranate Tea:

Historically Pomegranates have been utilized as a symbol for marriage, fertility, abundance, and righteousness.

The raw seeds, juice, and sauces made from the seeds have been utilized as a general heart tonic since biblical times.

Today Pomegranate tea is used to improve heart health, treat depression and preserve a mental health balance, and increase immune system functioning. The boost to the immune system comes from the high vitamin and antioxidant content.

Pomegranate has a high concentration of polyphenols, which fight free radicals. This concentration exceeds that of red wine, green tea, and blueberries. This makes pomegranate an effective deterrent and treatment for cancer.

Pomegranate tea is known to reduce LDL or bad cholesterol, it is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, HIV, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and to reduce the risk of hormone-dependent breast cancer.

There has been a lot of research done on Pomegranate in recent years. This includes studies that show how, “Pomegranate juice has been shown to suppress inflammatory cell signaling, inhibit prostate tumor growth and lower serum PSA levels, and also inhibit aromatase activity, endogenous estrogen biosynthesis and breast cancer cell proliferation in vitro.”

Side Effects of Pomegranate Tea:

No significant adverse effects have been noted with daily consumption.

Because of the sugar content in pomegranate, diabetic patients should use the tea with care.

For patients on statin therapy, Pomegranate tea may increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis, possibly because it inhibits CYP 450 enzymes.

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