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Home Remedies For Migraine – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on December 21, 2016

Migraine is a common problem that people face. Though a range of allopathic medicines are available for treating problems related to migraine, going for home remedies is a better option as these help cure the root cause of the problem. Below I list some of the common home remedies that you can try, in case you suffer from migraine.

Essentail Oil

Lavender, eucalyptus and sandalwood give much needed relief in migraine. Essential oils comprising these components can be tried for migraine pains. Mixture of these essential oils need to be mixed in some warm water. Soak a cloth in this mixture and rub the same on your head. Regular use of this therapy will eventually lead to migraine pains going away. Try this home remedy for a month and you will notice visible improvement in your condition.

Grape Juice

Grape juice also provides relief in case you are suffering from migraine. Take grape juice on a regular basis and you will have significant improvement in your condition.

Green leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are a rich source of niacin and help you get relief from migraine. Include green leafy vegetables in your diet. Include some tomatoes, sunflower seeds and nuts also in your daily diet and you will have visible improvement in your condition.

Spinach Juice

Spinach juice also helps you get relief in case you suffer from migraine. Mix the same with some cucumber and beat juice.

Take this preparation regularly and you will have some improvement in your condition soon. This is considered as one of the best home remedies for migraine.

Cabbage leaves

This is one of the most trusted home remedies for migraine. You will need to crush some leaves of cabbage. The same need to be placed in a piece of cloth and tied to the forehead. This therapy can be tried during night hours. If tried on a regular basis, this home remedy will lead to significant improvement in your condition. Try this home remedy for a week and you will have noticeable improvement in your condition.


A commonly available spice in your kitchen, garlic is a potent cure for migraine. Garlic is a detoxifier and will help you get the much needed relief from migraine.

You can take garlic in its raw form as well as cooked garlic. Include garlic in your daily diet and you will have some visible relief within a week.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is another effective remedy for migraine. Take chamomile tea regularly and you will notice improvement in your condition. Take chamomile tea daily for a week and the intensity of migraine will reduce considerably.

Lemon Crust

Make a fine paste of lemon crust. Finely grinded lemon crust needs to be applied on the forehead.

This paste of lemon crust when applied daily will bring visible improvement in your condition. Try this remedy for a week and you will have some relief.

Sandalwood Paste

Sandalwood paste when finely grinded and applied on the forehead provides relief from migraine. Leave the paste for half and hour before washing it off. Try this remedy on a regular basis and you will have visible improvement in your condition.

Try the above listed home remedies on a regular basis and you will find significant improvement in your condition.

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