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Home Remedies For Gastritis – Healthy Remedies


Gastritis is a common problem that occurs across all age groups. Though allopathic medicines are available for gastritis, however, going for home remedies is a better option as these offer permanent relief from this problem. Below I list some of the common home remedies that you can try in case you are suffering from gastritis.


Licorice when taken on a regular basis help you get relief from complications related to gastritis. Chew some licorice daily, in case you are suffering from gastritis. The gastrointestinal tract heals at a much faster pace when you take licorice on a regular basis.

Coconut Water

Coconut water helps you recover faster in case you are suffering from gastritis. As the symptoms of gastritis begin, take coconut juice for a day. Regular use of coconut juice will help in healing process of lining of your stomach, thus helping you recover faster.


Peppermint is also effective in relieving potential symptoms of gastritis. Peppermint has a great content of methanol oil that helps improve digestion, thus preventing your condition from worsening. Take peppermint on a regular basis if suffering from gastritis.


Ginger has always been considered as the most effective remedy for gastritis. Take ginger regularly in case you are suffering from gastritis.

You can eat ginger in raw form or take it in form of ginger candy. Alternatively, take ginger tea if you find it difficult to eat raw ginger.

Banana and Cabbage Juice

Banana and cabbage juice when mixed in a blender and taken regularly help you get relief in case you are suffering from gastritis. Take the juice regularly and you will get relief soon.


Papaya helps in improving digestion of your body. You will need to eat ripe papaya daily, in case you are suffering from gastritis. Alternatively, you can eat papaya seeds also.


Juices also help you get relief in case you are suffering from gastritis. Take carrot, papaya, spinach and pineapple juice regularly whenever you suffer from complications related to gastritis. Take these juices regularly and you will have visible improvement in your condition.

Hot Water Bottle

Place a hot water bottle on your empty stomach daily during the time you suffer from gastritis related complications. If you have already taken meal, wait for at least two hours before placing the hot water bottle on your stomach.

Application of this home therapy will help you get relief and recover soon.


Chamomile leaves when boiled in a cup of water and taken on a regular basis help you get relief in case you are suffering from gastritis. Take this preparation regularly and you will recover faster.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are an effective remedy, in case you are suffering from gastritis. Take bell pepper regularly and you will notice improvement in your condition.

Cabbage Juice

Cabbage leaves when blended and mixed with a cup of water is an effective remedy for gastritis. Take the preparation regularly and you will have visible improvement in your condition soon.

Potato Juice

Take potato juice at least three times a day during gastritis. Take the preparation at least 30 minutes before you take your meal. Visible improvement in your health condition will follow.

Follow the above listed home remedies and you will have improvement in your condition.

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