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Home Remedies For Edema – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on November 9, 2013

Edema is a sign that all is not well within the body. Though a range of allopathic medicines are available for edema, going in for home therapies is the best option as this helps remove the root cause, thus preventing many complications that can result as a consequence of edema. Below I list some of the home remedies that can help cure edema in its initial stage itself.

Mustard oil

Mustard oil is an effective home remedy for edema. You can rub warm mustard oil on the affected portion of the body. Regular use of this remedial therapy will help you recover soon. Alternatively, you can soak two teaspoons of mustard seeds in water. Applying this solution to the affected portion also helps get relief from edema.

Apple cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also helpful in removing conditions associated with edema. Apple cider vinegar removes excess fluid from the body cells.

Take apple cider vinegar on a regular basis and you will have visible relief from edema. Alternatively you can apply some apple cider vinegar on the affected region and you will have some visible relief within a week.

Fibre diet

Fibre diet helps in fluid retention in the body. Take fruits and vegetables rich in fibre on a regular basis and you will have visible relief from edema.

Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds are an effective home remedy for edema related complications. Boil a few teaspoons of coriander seeds in about two cups of water.

Boil the mixture until it is reduced to half of its original volume. Take the mixture daily on a regular basis. This remedy is one of the best for edema and will help you get back to your normal self.

Flax seed oil

Flax seed oil is another effective remedy for edema. Spray some flax seed oil in your daily dose of vegetables and rice. Taking this flax seed oil enriched diet is an effective remedy for edema. Follow this diet schedule on a regular basis and you will recover soon from edema.

Neem extract

Neem extract when applied to the affected region helps you recover from edema. Apply neem extract to the affected region regularly and you will have some visible relief from edema.

Cabbage Leaves

Cabbage leaves also help cure edema. Wrap some cabbage leaves on the affected region. This is an effective remedy for edema and you will have relief from edema soon.

Potato and Cucumber

Cucumber slice when mixed with potato slice and placed on the swollen feet is an effective home remedy for edema.

Place cucumber and potato slice tied along with a cloth on your feet and you will have the much needed relief soon. Follow this remedy for a month and you will have some visible relief from edema.

Avoiding Salt

Avoid salt intake in your daily diet. This will help you recover much earlier as it helps avoid water retention in the body. Do not use salt in your daily dose of diet and visible results will emerge within a month.

Follow the above listed home remedies and you will recover from complications related to edema.

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