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Home Remedies For Diabetes – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on July 23, 2013

Diabetes is a common problem that can occur across all age groups. A range of allopathic treatments are available for diabetes but these come with certain side effects. Thankfully, a range of home remedies are available that help you get relief in diabetes. Below I list some of the common home remedies that you can try in case you are suffering from diabetes.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd is an excellent home remedy, in case you are suffering from diabetes. Take bitter gourd in any form, be it raw or juice and you will have some relief.

Azadirachta Indica (neem)

Azadirachta indica is an excellent remedy for diabetes related problem. Take it in any form and notice the change. Your condition will show visible signs of improvement, if you take this regularly.

Curry Leaves

Every kitchen has this ingredient. Chew some curry leaves early in the morning. Ensure that your stomach is empty as you chew these leaves.

Curry leaves help keep blood sugar level in check. Regular use of this home therapy will bring visible improvement in your condition.

Indian Gooseberry

Your kitchen is a storehouse of medicines for your diabetes related problems. One such medicine is amla. Indian gooseberry offers much relief when taken in powdered form. You will need to take some Indian gooseberry (amla) powder and mix it in water. The mixture should be allowed to stand for a while.

You will need to filter the solution and add some lemon juice. Take the preparation early morning. This is a very effective home remedy for diabetes control and in case you take this preparation on a daily basis, you will notice much improvement in your condition soon.


Indian plum also known by the name of Jamun is another effective remedy for diabetes. Eat the fruit raw and your condition will show a drastic improvement. Alternatively, you can crush the seeds and take the powder with a glass of water. This is an effective remedy, in case you are suffering from diabetes.


Garlic is also known to have anti diabetic properties. The allicin present in garlic helps reduce your blood sugar level, thus bringing much relief.

Turmeric and Cinnamon

Include turmeric and cinnamon in your daily dose of food. These are also known to keep blood sugar levels in check and bring visible improvement in your condition.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek is another effective home remedy, in case you are suffering from diabetes. You will need to soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water. Take this water early in the morning. Repeat this therapy for atlest a week. Visible change in your medical condition will follow.

Mango Leaves

Boil some mango leaves in water and keep the mixture overnight. Take this preparation as you start your day. Improvement in your blood sugar level will follow with regular use of this home therapy.


Take vegetables like cucumber, onion, garlic and beans more often. These also help keep blood sugar levels in check and bring improvement in your condition.

Follow the above listed home remedies and your blood sugar level will be in control.

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