Home Uncategorized Herbal Remedies For Thinning Hair – Healthy Remedies

Herbal Remedies For Thinning Hair – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on July 19, 2016

The problem of thinning hair is caused by factors such as improper hair care, side effects of medicines, stress, iron deficiency, excessive use of hair products or use of low quality hair products. A receding hairline and loss of hair in small round patches are the two main symptoms of thinning hair. Drinking plenty of water and having a nutritious diet can help in preventing the problem of thinning hair. Various herbal remedies for thinning hair are mentioned below.


Rosemary can help in improving the blood circulation to the scalp. A conditioner can be created by steeping fresh rosemary (1 tablespoon) in water (1 cup) and applied on the scalp (strained) after washing hair with a shampoo to treat thinning hair.

Vinegar (1 tablespoon) can also be added to this mixture to increase its effectiveness. Massaging scalp with a mixture of rosemary and almond oil on a regular basis can prevent thinning hair and baldness. Rosemary oil (4 to 5 drops) can also be added to the shampoo used for washing hair.


Pygeum is also known as ‘’African Plum Tree’’. Pygeum bark can be used in the treatment of thinning hair. Liquid extract (100 mg to 200 mg) obtained from pygeum bark can be consumed on a regular basis to get the desired results. Applying pygeum tincture on the scalp can also reduce the problem of thinning hair.

Saw Palmetto

The problem of thinning hair can be dealt with the use of saw palmetto. Scientifically, saw palmetto is known as ‘’Serenoa Repens’’. This herb can help in unclogging the scalp pores and promoting blood circulation.

The extract or tincture obtained from saw palmetto herb can be added to the shampoo used for washing hair. Saw palmetto extract can also be consumed on a daily basis. It is essential to consult a doctor before using this herb.

Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry is also referred to as ‘’Emblica Officinalis’’or ‘’Amla’’. Consumption of this herb on a regular basis can reduce the problem of thinning hair. Intake of Indian gooseberry juice or its direct application on the scalp can provide the desired results.

Massaging a mixture made by boiling dry Indian gooseberry pieces in castor oil on the hair roots 2 to 3 times in a week can help in treating thinning hair. A paste can also be created by mixing powdered form of this herb with an egg and applied on the head to improve hair texture. This paste should be removed after 30 to 40 minutes of the application.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has hair nourishing properties. Rubbing the gel extracted from the aloe vera plant on the scalp on a regular basis for a period of 2 to 3 months can improve hair thickness.

The gel should be kept applied for a period of 30 minutes. Another option is to mix the aloe vera gel with coconut oil and massage it on the hair roots to reduce thinning hair. Intake of aloe vera juice on a daily basis may also enhance hair thickness. Washing hair with aloe vera juice on a regular basis may provide the desired results.

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