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Herb Anise – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on December 29, 2014

Pimpinella anisum

The herb anise (also known as aniseed) is native to the Mediterranean and is an annual plant that grows wild but is widely cultivated. It grows to about 1 ½ feet tall, with broad leaves and small cream-colored flowers that give way to tiny, light brown hairy, strongly flavored seeds.

It has been grown for commercial use for a long time but is now being slowly replaced by Star Anise (Illicium verum) because it is cheaper to grow. The oval shaped aromatic seeds are one of the world’s oldest known spices.

The herb anise has seeds that have a sweet licorice-like flavor when chewed. Because of its sweetness, the herb anise is a good additive to improve the flavor of other medicines.

The anise seeds are lightly roasted as a breath sweetener and are crushed for use in potpourri and freckle-bleaching face packs


* chew a few seeds after a meal to help prevent colic if you are prone to it. * has a warming and stimulating properties that make it useful for treating circulatory problems and digestive disorders. * alleviates cramps and nausea when seeds are infused to make a tea. * alleviates cough, colds, and bad breath when seeds are infused to make a tea. * used as an antiseptic expectorant it will ease the symptoms of whooping cough. * crushed seeds infused in hot milk and drunk before bedtime will help one fall asleep. * can be made into a salve to use forscabies or lice. * said to promote the onset of menstruation when taken as an infusion. * 5 to 10 drops of anise oil on top of a tsp. of honey, taken every 1/2 hour before meals, is said to be helpful in some cases of emphysema.

* 15 drops of essence of anise added to 1 quart of hot water, used as an inhalant, will sometimes help stubborn cases of laryngitis.

Preparation and Dosage


The seeds should be gently crushed just before use to release the volatile oils. Pour one cup of boiling water over 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls of the seeds and let it stand covered for 5 to 10 minutes. Take one cup 3 times daily. To treat gas, the teas should be drunk slowly before meals.


One drop of anise oil may be taken internally by mixing it into ½ teaspoon of honey.

Parts used: Seeds

Collection: The ripe dry fruits (seeds) should be gathered between mid-summer and early Fall.

Constituents: Up to 6% volatile oils, which include anethole, 30% fatty oils, choline

Actions: Anti-spasmodic, expectorant, carminative, parasiticide, aromatic, anti-microbial, galactagogue, pectoral, tonic

Combinations: Equal amounts of the herb anise, Fennel, and Caraway mixed together is good for flatulent colic. Anise combines well with Coltsfoot, White Horehound and Lobelia to treat bronchitis.

Side Effects: None expected.

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