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acne home remedy – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on January 24, 2015

Though acne is usually associated with teenagers, it can affect anybody at any age. This unsightly skin rash usually comes about in result to altered hormone levels within the body, and can be especially bad when an individual suffers from stress.

A poor diet can also contribute to the development of acne. As any of these factors can occur throughout an individual’s life, the likelihood of an acne breakout is always looming.

For those that have suffered with acne their entire life, the predisposition can make breakouts almost unbearable.

There’s no rhyme or reason though as women who may have never suffered with acne during their adolescent years unexpectedly get a breakout during their monthly cycle as the hormone levels rise and fall.

Managing stress, eating a healthy diet that is free of fried foods, and living a healthy lifestyle can all help to prevent acne from becoming a real problem.

However for some people, particularly those that are predisposed to the condition, it seems that nothing can help in preventing a regular breakout.

The frequency and severity of the breakouts that acne causes can vary, but the unsightly skin rash that it causes is something that most people want to deal with and get rid of as quickly as possible.

People search for ways to get rid of acne and there may be no one solution that works for every person. There are a wide array of medications out there that range in their intensity and effectiveness.

One can find a simple over-the-counter alcohol-based solution that can help to dry out the acne. Alternatively one can get treatment through a dermatologist to get a much stronger prescription based medication.

There are however some excellent and very effective home remedies that should be concerned that can offer a much more natural cure.

Yogurt & Oatmeal:

There are a variety of different face masks that one can make that act as a home remedy in the treatment of acne.

The first and most popular is a paste of natural yogurt and oatmeal, this is then applied to dry on the face.

Once dry it is removed with lukewarm water and is said to provide some long lasting relief from acne breakouts.

Honey & Cinnamon:

Another such mask that can provide a natural cure for acne and provide relief from breakouts is the combination of honey and cinnamon powder.

This mask is applied to the face and left on overnight to help sink in and alleviate breakouts.

It is also recommended that creating a paste from roasted and powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice can be a lifesaver when it comes to the prevention of acne.


It is said that drinking fresh juices, particularly those that are citrus based, can provide some relief from acne breakouts.

Lime juice in particular is a well known and celebrated natural cure for acne and the basis of many home remedies.

Drinking a glass of wheat juice daily can be an effective aid in the removal of acne.

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