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Cilantro Tea – Healthy Remedies


Also Known As: Corridor plant, Chinese Parsley, Cilantro, Coriander, and Koriandrum

One of the lesser used culinary herbs, cilantro is actually the leaves and stems of the corridor plant. The seeds of this plant are known as coriander.

This herb is rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids and active phenolic acid.

What is cilantro tea? Cilantro tea is generally made from the fresh or dried and chopped leaf and stem of the plant. It is sometimes made from the seeds.

Cilantro Leaf Tea Preparation: ◦2 cups water

◦2 tablespoons chopped cilantro leaf


Put cilantro and water in sauce pan with the lid on. Cook on a very low heat setting for ten minutes. Strain with cheesecloth or small strainer. Serve.

Benefits of Cilantro Tea:

Historical use of cilantro tea includes its use to ease indigestion and prevent wound infection. In Egypt, cilantro was placed in pharaohs’ tombs, presumably to prevent indigestion in the afterlife.

It was also used to treat urinary tract infections and headaches. Cilantro tea’s wound-healing benefits were first discovered by the ancient Romans.

The leaves and coriander seeds were used to preserve meats as it kept animal fat from turning rancid and killed meat-spoiling bacteria and fungi.

Today, cilantro tea is used to stimulate appetite, improve digestion and heal stomach discomfort, such as diarrhea and flatulence. It is beneficial in treating colic in babies and has been used to treat poisoning by means of chelation therapy.

Conventional medicine uses intravenous chelation therapy to remove lead or other metals from patients suffering from diseases like lead poisoning. Drinking a weak tea might also help remove metal poisoning.

Cilantro tea may also help control blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels, and relieve diabetes. It has been used to treat fever, chills, and vomiting.

It is believed to have an anti inflammatory effect and is used to relieve pain caused by diseases like arthritis.

Topically cilantro tea can kill certain bacteria and fungi, helping to prevent infection and heal wounds.

Considered an antimicrobial, it is believed to be effective against Listeria bacteria, E. coli, and Salmonella. It can be rubbed on painful joints for arthritis.

Side Effects of Cilantro Tea:

Cilantro tea should not be used during pregnancy, as it may increase miscarriage. It may also reduce the chances of conception if a woman is trying to become pregnant.

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, please consult with your health care provider before consuming cilantro in any form.

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