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Spearmint Essential Oil – Healthy Remedies


Spearmint plants have been used since ancient times for digestive conditions, headaches and scabs. It was also thrown on the floor to promote good health and deter rodents!

Today spearmint is still used to combat digestive conditions, nausea menstrual problems, weight loss and hepatitis. It is also a natural home remedy for nausea and the gall bladder! Because it increases metabolism it may assist with burning fats and toxins in the body as well.

We can reap the benefits of spearmint plants by using spearmint therapeutic grade essential oil. It is easy and convenient to use for medicinal use; and you can use it for cooking as well! Just place a drop in your water or tea. It’s that simple!

The oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the spearmint plants. The one I use personally is grown in Utah in the United States.

Spearmint essential oil is in one of my favorite professionally made blends called Citrus Fresh It tastes great in water especially on a really hot day; and it helps to combat stress and anxiety. It contains several citrus essential oils including tangerine, lemon and grapefruit It is fantastic for the summer because it is fresh yet minty!

What is the Genus Species? Mentha spicata CT Carvone

Why is this information important? While there are not many different species of Spearmint, there are many hybrids; and the species also produces chemotypes.

A chemotype (CT) is a designation that tells you that the species has different chemical constituents. This usually occurs because the plant is grown in a different area under a distinct climate that alters the chemistry.

The same rule of thumb goes for hybrids; so it always is a good idea to purchase your essential oils by Common Name and Genus Species so you know what you are getting!

Other common names for Spearmint include: Green Mint, Garden Mint, Fish Mint and Our Lady’s Mint!

Where is the name derived from? The Spearmint plants get their common name from the pointed leaf tips which resemble “spears”. The Genus derivative comes from a Latin word “mente” meaning “thought”.

What Part of the Spearmint Plants are Used? Spearmint leaves

What is the ORAC Value? 540 µTE/100g

Why know about this number? ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It tells you the antioxidant capacity of a food item. Antioxidants have shown to reduce the risk of age related conditions and cancer! This was developed by the USDA researchers. For instance: Blueberries = 2,400; Clove = 1,078,700. Wow! The number for clove is NOT a typo!

Most Interesting Historical Reference?

Did you know that in the Middle Ages Spearmint was scattered on the floor to get rid of rodents and encourage good health?

What are the Spearmint Plant Properties? Antibacterial, anti-catarrhal, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive aid, gallbladder stimulant, hormone-like, insecticidal, metabolism (increase), mucolytic and stimulant.

What are the Documented Spearmint Uses and Benefits? Abdominal discomfort and spasms, appetite (stimulates), bronchitis, Candida, cystitis, childbirth (promotes easier labor), constipation, depression, diarrhea, digestion, dry skin, eczema, headaches, hepatitis, intestinal spasms, kidney stones, menstrual irregularities, nausea, sore gums, stomach (relaxes muscles), vaginitis and weight reduction (stimulates metabolism).

What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind? The fresh and herbaceous aroma is uplifting.

What is the Spiritual Influence? The energies of spearmint oil open and release emotional blocks in the etheric level which helps to bring balance to the body.

It also helps people establish safe boundaries and feel protected when releasing old beliefs. It brings about more self-trust which is important in moving forward and overcoming negative emotions.

What Chakra is Affected? Solar plexus and heart chakras.

What are the corresponding Chakra Colors? Green

How do I use it?

Use diluted – (one part essential oil: two part of vegetable oil). Then,

• Apply several drops (2-4) on location, abdomen and temples

• Apply to chakras/vitaflex points

• Directly inhale

• Diffuse, or

• May be used as a dietary supplement.

Can this Oil be used for Animals? Yes

Note about Animal Use: Certain oils can be very toxic to cats. Pine and citrus products and oils in particular that are not of therapeutic grade! Please consult your vet if you are not sure about applying any essential oil to your pet.

What are the Safety Precautions? First, only use therapeutic grade essential oils! Spearmint plants and the essential oil are Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS).

Spearmint oil should not be used on children younger than 6 years of age as a dietary supplement. Women who are pregnant should use spearmint with caution.

Essential Oil Trivia?

Did you know that Wrigley’s Spearmint chewing gum was launched in 1893? It contains spearmint essential oils from the spearmint plants. However on the company website they explain that their spearmint plants go through fractionation distillation process that adulterates the taste and the strength the oil. It also makes it therapeutically worthless.

Did you know that Spearmint plants were macerated and added to milk to lengthen the shelf life of milk? Yes, before refrigeration, spearmint helped to keep the milk from curdling and the milk was used for stomach upsets as well!


Add a drop of Spearmint oil to your favorite drink or tea to help with digestion!

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