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Natural Cures For Rosacea – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on October 31, 2013

Rosacea affects adults. It is a chronic skin condition. Fair-skinned individuals are frequently affected by the problem of rosacea. This problem may result in redness, swelling and skin sores (that look like acne) and is generally caused by factors such as sunburn, stress and anxiety, intake of spicy food items and items containing caffeine.

This skin condition may be treated with the use of below mentioned natural cures.


Lavender has been used for centuries to deal with different skin related problems including rashes and blemishes. It can also be used in the treatment of rosacea. It can be directly applied on the affected part of the skin to treat the inflammation. An individual can use creams/beauty products containing lavender to obtain quick relief.

Green Tea

Green tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and can help in reducing the skin’s reaction to ultraviolet light. Green tea also contains polyphenol which may prevent the formation of papules and pustules on the face of an individual. This natural remedy can be used both internally and externally. Application of creams containing green tea can reduce irritation and burning sensation. On the other hand, consumption of green tea can treat redness and bumps.


Fresh cucumber can be used to create a face mask. This mask can be created by mixing cucumber with egg white (1) in a blender and applied gently on the face.

It is important to remove this mixture with cold water after a minimum period of 30 to 40 minutes. An individual is required to apply this mask on a daily basis for a period of 1 month to get the desired results.


Chamomile oil can be applied on the affected area to cure the inflammation. An individual can steep several chamomile tea bags in water and keep this mixture in the refrigerator. A soft cloth can be used to apply this mixture on the face for a period of 15 to 20 minutes to treat rosacea flare-ups.


An individual can mix grinded oatmeal with water to make a smooth paste. Oatmeal paste can be directly rubbed on the skin and removed after several minutes. Another alternative is to mix oatmeal in the bathing water. A combination of oatmeal and yogurt can also be used as an ointment to treat various symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be applied on the face on a daily basis to deal with the problem. It can also be used internally. Intake of apple juice containing apple cider vinegar can provide relief from rosacea.


A paste can be created by crushing a zinc tablet and mixing it with water. This paste should be gently massaged on the affected area and removed with cold water to reduce skin irritation and facial redness.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is a fat-soluble vitamin and can help in the treatment of various skin related conditions. Direct application of this oil can repair skin damage and protect the skin against sunburn. Frequent use of vitamin E oil can help in reducing the redness caused by rosacea.

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