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Natural Cure For Thrush – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on November 2, 2013

Overgrowth of the Candida fungus in the mouth causes thrush. Also known as, oral Candida infection, thrush occurs when the balance of the microorganisms in the mouth is disrupted owing to certain diseases, medications or stress. People with weakened immune system or diabetes have a higher risk of developing Candida infection in the mouth and tongue.

Thrush can be treated with natural remedies. Supplements and herbal remedies are frequently used for strengthening the immune system and inhibiting growth of the fungi.

Candida Diet

Recurrent thrush can be prevented with appropriate diet. A sugar-restricted diet is recommended for people suffering from thrush. The fungus feeds on sugar in the saliva. Reducing the sugar content in the diet deprives the Candida fungus of its main energy source, which helps to reduce fungal growth.

To treat thrush naturally limit consumption of sugar, milk, starchy vegetables, processed meat, alcohol, nuts, mushrooms and food products containing yeast. However, these foods can be reintroduced in the diet after the fungal infection is cured. The ideal diet for a person suffering from yeast infection should contain non-starchy fiber-rich vegetables, lean meat, fish and whole grains that do not contain gluten such as brown rice, millet and oat.


The Lactobacillus strains present in probiotic food products and supplements can fight Candida growth in the mouth and tongue. They work by restoring the normal microbial balance in the mouth and stimulating the immune system.

People on antibiotics or medications that suppress the immune system can reduce their risks of developing oral Candida infection by taking probiotic supplements. Unsweetened yogurt is a popular source of probiotics. You can also take supplements containing lactobacillus acidophilus or bifidobacterium to treat thrush.

Immune Strengthening Supplements

To boost your body’s resistance against oral fungus, take vitamins and minerals that help to strengthen the immune system. Vitamins A, C, D and E are especially recommended for improving immune response. Zinc and selenium are also essential for BOOSTING the activities of the immune cells.

Caprylic Acid Supplement

Caprylic acid is a type of fatty acid found in coconut. The antifungal effect of caprylic acid helps to kill the Candida fungi. You can take a gram of caprylic acid with meals daily. In addition to taking caprylic acid supplement, consider applying coconut oil to the tongue and mouth.


Garlic is a powerful antifungal supplement. The antifungal property of garlic is attributed to ajoene and other sulfur containing compounds. To treat Candida infection, you can eat fresh garlic or garlic supplements and apply garlic oil or paste to the affected areas.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract contains antifungal compounds. It also helps to stimulate the immune system, enhancing its ability to prevent growth of the Candida fungi.

Oregano Oil

Rinse the mouth with an antifungal mouthwash prepared by diluting oregano oil with water. Oregano is a powerful antifungal agent. It contains antimicrobial compounds such as thymol and carvacrol.

Pomegranate Gel

Pomegranate peel contains an antifungal compound called pomegranin. Oral thrush can be treated by applying pomegranate gel to the mouth and tongue.

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