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Natural Cure For Prostatitis – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on March 7, 2014

Swelling of the prostate gland is known as prostatitis. Bacterial infection of the prostate gland is a common cause of acute bacterial prostatitis that is conventionally treated with antibiotics. However, in most cases the exact cause of prostatitis is unclear. An underlying disorder of the nervous or immune system, or injury can cause inflammation of the prostate gland.

The symptoms of prostatitis such as pain and difficulty in urinating can be alleviated with natural remedies. Alternative therapies commonly used for treating prostatitis include supplements, biofeedback and acupuncture.

Natural Ways to Cure Prostatitis

Quercetin Supplement

Quercetin is a powerful anti-inflammatory plant compound. Studies suggest that by reducing swelling of the prostate gland, quercetin provides relief from prostatitis. Moreover, as a potential antioxidant agent, quercetin helps to protect the prostate gland from the harmful activities of the free radicals produced during metabolism.

In addition to quercetin supplements, adding fruits and vegetables rich in quercetin such as apples, citrus fruits, olives, dark cherries, grapes, onions and berries to the diet helps to alleviate the symptoms of prostatitis.

Rye Grass Pollen

Rye grass pollen extract is an effective remedy for prostatitis. It contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit the inflammatory process that triggers inflammation and pain of the prostate gland. It is widely used for treating chronic prostatitis naturally.

Usually 126 mg of rye grass pollen extract is taken thrice daily to treat prostatitis. Rye grass supplements are usually well tolerated. In some cases, it causes nausea, heartburn and stomach swelling.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is widely used in Native American folk medicines for treating prostate problems. Polysaccharides present in saw palmetto berries contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce inflammation and modify abnormal activities of the immune system that induce chronic prostatitis. Saw palmetto supplements available in the form of capsules can be used for treating prostatitis.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is sometimes used in combination with saw palmetto for treating prostatitis. It helps to treat urination difficulties and improves urine flow.


Biofeedback is a popular drug-free option for treating chronic prostatitis. This is a type of pain management process. During the biofeedback sessions, the therapist teaches the chronic prostatitis patient different techniques of relaxing the muscles and controlling other body functions to reduce the sensation of prostate pain.

Tension in the pelvic floor muscle aggravates prostatitis pain. Chronic prostatitis pain can be avoided by relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor. Biofeedback also helps to improve bladder control that helps to alleviate urination problems associated with prostatitis.


Physiotherapy can provide relief from the symptoms of prostatitis. It works by stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back and the hip. This technique helps to correct imbalances in the muscles that tend to trigger pain. By improving bladder control, physiotherapy also helps to treat urination difficulties. Massage, application of heat and ice and electrotherapy are important components of physiotherapy used for treating prostatitis.


In this traditional Chinese therapy, needles are inserted in specific points to treat pain and inflammation. Acupuncture stimulates production of pain relief chemicals of the body, thereby providing relief from prostatitis pain.

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