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Natural Cure For Itchy Scalp – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on January 16, 2017

No one appreciates the white flakes falling out of their locks. As winter chill sets in, the dry and itchy scalp is more likely to fall a prey to dandruff. You can keep itchy scalp at bay by washing your hair at every alternate day. For more lucrative and quicker results, we have enlisted some tried and tested treatments that can help you get rid of itchy scalp.

Some of these help you not only in treating flaky scalp but also in curing other scalp ailments as well. Checkout the following highly influential treatments to confront dry and itchy scalp.

Ways to Cure Itchy Scalp Naturally

Vinegar Mixture

Vinegar is extremely helpful in blocking itchy scalp, the presence of potassium and enzymes help immensely to cure an itchy scalp and prevent the formation of white flakes. The vinegar can be applied to scalp in several ways to treat scalp problems and itchy scalp. You can massage with the apple cider vinegar on the itchy, or the affected scalp for 5 to 7 minutes.

The apple cider helps you to get rid of the dead skin cells in scalp by opening the pores and unblocking the hair follicles. The blocked hair follicles result in itchy scalp flakes due to accumulation of dust and oil. Another effective way is to mix 1 tbsp. of vinegar in the last mug of water when you taking a head wash. Pour the last mug overhead mixed with vinegar to get rid of itchy scalp.

Applying Eggs

Eggs are like best friends to hair. Beat 2 eggs, avoid applying yellow (as it may stink) part, and rinse it off after one hour and get yourself itchy scalp free hair. Eggs also help in the hair fall problem, and are natural conditioners. The conditioning property of eggs works well on dry hair and imparts high shine and soft texture.

Neem Leaves to Cure Itchy Scalp

Neem’s antiseptic properties help in shedding itchy scalp from scalp. Apply Neem paste to your scalp to get rid of flakes. This works as an effective home remedy and is easily available.

Also, Neem has wonderful properties of treating lice, scalp eruptions, or itching problems in scalp. Although it is very itchy once you apply which actually indicates the natural immersing deep into the scalp.

Lemon and Garlic Paste

Mix 1 tbsp. of freshly churned lemon with 2 tbsp. garlic juice. Apply this paste on head for about 20-30 minutes and wash with a mild shampoo in tepid water. Both the ingredients have properties to fight with itchy scalp. Lemon juice will erode the itchy scalp flakes and ginger juice has natural antibiotic properties that kill scalp bacteria.

Rosemary to Cure Itchy Scalp

Squeeze rosemary leaves and mix it with vinegar. You can use this paste to treat itchy scalp at home. You can also try the mixture of rosemary and coconut oil on your scalp to get rid of flaky scalp.

Yogurt and Black Pepper to Cure Itchy Scalp

Yogurt reduces the intensity of flakes on the scalp. You can make an anti-itchy scalp hair wash by mixing 2 tbsp of black pepper powder in one cup of curd. Massage gently over the scalp and wash it off with mild shampoo after keeping it for an hour.

Eucalyptus Leaves

Eucalyptus tree leaves have anti-bacterial properties that help fight infection and toning of the skin. Take ¼ ltr of boiling water and put 4 tbsp. of dried up leaves in it and stir it for few minutes. Continue to heat with lid covered and stir in between. Remove it from heat and after it is cooled down, strain the liquid into a plastic bottle and add 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to the liquid. Each time you take a head wash after shampoo, rinse with this natural liquid for 10-15 minutes.


Aspirin! Not to treat headache due to prevailing itchy scalp condition but to actually apply on scalp. Crush 2 aspirins and add it to your shampoo, whenever you take a head wash. Leave it for 1-2 minutes, let it do its job and wash it off. Wash again with plain shampoo.

Coconut Oil Mixed with Lemon

proper oiling can also help you in getting flakes out of your hair. Mix 1 tbsp. of lemon juice in lukewarm coconut oil and massage it gently.

Keep this for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo. You will see the instant results. A itchy scalp free scalp plus, shinier and softer hair is ensured.

Snake Gourd

Snake Gourd is an influential remedy to control dryness of the scalp. Apply the juice from the extract on the scalp. It gives an itchy effect but prevents itchy scalp effectively. All you need is rubbing and massaging on the affected area. For more effective results, blend the snake gourd juice with beet juice.


Selenium supplements work directly on skin dryness and remove the dead cells from the scalp. Selenium supplements are rich in Zinc that encourages the body to utilise proteins. Proteins further boost hair growth and ensure their health by keeping dryness in control. However, the intake should be approved by a prescription. Irregular dosage may harm the skin.

Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin B is an effective conditioner for the scalp. A proper intake may fulfil the requirement for the right elements for healthy hair. Take Vitamin B 12 supplements for substantial results. Make sure to consult a dermatologist.

Vitamin E supplements are highly recommended to confront the odious itchy scalp problem. They efficiently balance the need of oils for the scalp and prevent dryness. Moreover, it relieves you from itching and slows scaling. Intake of 400IU capsule of Vitamin E every day would be sufficient.

Include Non-Dairy Substitutes in Diet

Although the health benefits of dairy foods are unquestionable but they are least recommended for people suffering from consistent itchy scalp shedding. This is because fat itself triggers dryness on external body. Moreover, the combination of fat with basic dairy products such as cheese and milk can enhance accumulation of dead cells.

However, you don’t need to completely compromise with your daily fat and milk requirements. All you need to do is include equally beneficial substitutes. The best one would be skimmed milk and non dairy diet foods. It may look hard to follow but once you become habitual of the changes, a clear and healthy scalp is guaranteed.

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