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Home Remedy For Inflammation – Healthy Remedies


Inflammation is a common problem that strikes with impunity. Though a range of allopathic medicines are available for inflammation, trying the time tested home remedies will be the best option as these offer a permanent cure. Below I list the most common home remedies that you can try in case of inflammation.


Your kitchen has the best medicine that can be taken, in case you are suffering from inflammation. Ginger owing to its anti inflammatory properties can be taken in case you are suffering from inflammation. Take ginger regularly along with your food and you will soon recover from inflammation related problems.

Pomegranate Juice

Three glasses a day of pomegranate juice is an effective home remedy for inflammation related problems. Taking pomegranate juice regularly helps reduce swelling as tissues having excess fluids shrink. Take pomegranate juice regularly for a week and you will show signs of recovery.

Broccoli and Red Grapes

Add fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Broccoli, onions, garlic, apples have a substantial amount of quercetin, an anti inflammatory compound. Regular use of these vegetables and fruits will strengthen your immune system thus making you competent enough to deal with any complication related to inflammation. Take this diet for a month and you will have significant relief from inflammation.

Cold Water

Cold water also helps recover from inflammation. Place your inflamed feet and ankles in a big bucket filled with cold water. Try this home remedy regularly for a month every evening after you return from work and you will notice significant improvement in your condition.


Another spice from your kitchen store, turmeric is an excellent home remedy for inflammation. Turmeric has a compound named curcumin that is known for its anti inflammatory properties. Increase the intake of turmeric in your daily diet, or add the same to your daily tea.

Effect will be visible within a week. Continue taking turmeric in your food and tea on a regular basis and you will rarely suffer from inflammation related complication.

Hot Water

This might surprise you but hot water is an equally good remedy for inflammation as is the cold water treatment. In case, you are unable to go for the cold water treatment, try using the hot water therapy instead. Soak your feet and ankles in hot water. You will find significant improvement in your condition after trying the remedy for a month.

Fish, Flax Seeds

Include fish and flax seed in your daily diet. Both of these are a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids and help reduce inflammation. Take fish regularly and you will have the much needed relief. In case you are a vegetarian include flax and pumpkin seeds in your daily diet.

Try this home remedy for a month and you will notice significant improvement in your condition. Soya bean and soy milk also help recover you from inflammation. These are a rich source of protein and will help you recover from inflammation related complications.Try the above listed home remedies and you will rarely need to see a doctor for any complications related to inflammation.

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