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Home Remedies For Anxiety – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on November 8, 2013

Anxiety can turn into a serious health disorder, if attention is not paid. In rare cases it can lead to blood pressure climbing up or even heart attack. However, a range of home remedies are available that can help you get over anxiety and lead a normal life. Below I list some of these home remedies that you can try to get relief from anxiety.


Almonds are an effective remedy, in case you are suffering from anxiety. You will need to soak up to 10 almonds in water overnight. This will help you peal the almond skin with ease. The almonds then need to be put in a blender along with a cup of milk. Add some ginger and nutmeg. Drink the preparation every night before you go to bed. This will help you relax and prepare for the hectic day ahead.


Heat some oil and rub over the body. You can try sesame, coconut or sunflower oil. Rub the same over your scalp and feet. Massage the oil before you take your morning bath. This will keep you cool and prepare you in a better way to deal with work related complications. Massage daily for better results.

Baking Soda

Add some finely grinded ginger and baking soda to your daily bath tub. Soak in this water for a minimum of 15 minutes. This will help you relieve anxiety and maintain a steady balance, thus preparing you to take on work related challenges in a better way.

Celery and Onion

Regular use of celery and onion in your daily diet help you keep anxieties away. Take 2 cups of celery on a daily basis. Eat raw onion or take it in cooked form. You will need to follow this remedy for a week for better results. As celery and onion are a rich source of folic acid and potassium, they help keep anxiety away.


This might surprise you but an orange has healing properties. Peel off an orange and inhale the fresh fragrance of the fruit. The aroma will help you relieve anxiety. Alternatively, you can use the peel also to relieve anxiety. Peel off an orange and boil the peel in an pan. Add some water in the pan. As the peel boils, the fresh aroma of the orange peel will work wonders and help you relieve anxiety.


Rosemary is also known to give relief, in case you suffer from work related anxiety. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried rosemary to a cup of water and boil the preparation.

Take the mixture as it cools down. It will have a soothing effect and relieve you of anxiety. Follow this home remedy for a week for better results.

Orange Juice

Orange juice is also known to give relief in cases of anxiety related to heart functioning. Add a teaspoon of honey and some nutmeg to a cup of orange juice. Take the preparation regularly for better results. Follow the above listed home remedies and you will rarely need to consult a doctor for any problems related to anxiety and tension. Besides, these home remedies make your immune system stronger, thus keeping you away from all tensions and fears.

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