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Copaiba Essential Oil – Healthy Remedies


Copaiba Oil is an amazing and rare essential oil that comes from the oleoresin of the Copaiba Tree.

It is harvested similarly to how we collect maple syrup! It is taken right from the tree through a pipe drilled into the tree! The essential oil is then produced by steam distilling the copal (oleoresin collected from the tree).

Copaiba is often used interchangeably with copal oil, but my understanding is that copaiba oil is technically more accurate if using the essential oil from the copaiba tree, Copaifera reticulata. This genus species is also the only species that is indigenous to the Amazon Region and is considered the most powerful.

Copaiba is a type of copal resin. But, there are other tree resins as well that can be classified under “copal” so we will stick with copaiba oil because it is the one I personally use and can testify to.

Did you know that copaiba oil known to have some of the highest levels of beta-caryophyllene in the world?

Yes it has been documented to contain 50 percent beta-caryophyllene. Helichrysum and Clove essential oils that are praised for their anti-inflammatory compounds have 5 to 12 percent of the same compound!

What is beta-caryophyllene?

Beta-caryophyllene has been extensively studied for its ability to modulate the inflammation process. The significance is that it is approved by the FDA as the first dietary cannabinoid (substance that naturally occurs in the nervous and immune systems).

Other essential oils besides helichrysum and clove that contain beta-caryophyllene are basil, oregano, black pepper, rosemary and cinnamon bark oils.

Copaiba also contains alpha-humulene and gamma elemine. Alpha humulene is known for its ability to minimize the body’s response to irritation.

Want to Roll Away Pain and Inflammation with Copal?

Then try Deep Relief for sore muscles and joints; and Breath Again for Respiratory inflammation. Both come in a roll on applicator that is super easy to use and very convenient! I love them both!

Copaiba Oil is also used for a variety of other things as listed below so do continue to read below! That section will tell you how to use copaiba oil and what to use it for. It will also provide you with some fun suggestions, safety precautions for you and your pet!

What is the Genus Species? Copaifera reticulata

Why is this information important? As described above in the introduction, it is always important to know the genus species and the part of the plant being used when using and purchasing essential oils.

There are at least 3 different species of Copaiba and a dozen or so common names that are included under the umbrella of copal or copaiba. Additionally, some companies are marketing the bark of the tree which is not at all the same as the resin.

Remember, even though species may share some similar properties they are not at all the same, and may not even have medicinal usage. Therefore, just knowing the common name of a plant is usually not enough information.

What Part of the Plant is Used? Distilled from Oleoresin

What is the ORAC Value? I don’t think it has been measured yet! If you find out, please let me know!

Why know about this number? ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It tells you the antioxidant capacity of a food item. Antioxidants have shown to reduce the risk of age related conditions and cancer! This was developed by the USDA researchers. For instance: Spinach = 1,400; Clove = 1,078,700. Wow! The number for clove is NOT a typo!

Most Interesting Historical Reference?

Did you know that copaiba resin is used by indigenous tribes as a wound healer, to stop bleeding, and for skin sores and psoriasis? Yes, and today healers of the Amazon use copaiba resin for skin disorders, pain, insect bites and to cool inflammation!

What are the Plant Properties? Analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stimulant (circulatory and pulmonary systems).

What are the Documented Uses and Benefits of Copaiba Oil? Inflammation (external and internal), respiratory problems (bronchitis, sinusitis), skin disorders, urinary tract, bladder and kidney conditions (cystitis, infection) bleeding, hemorrhages, sore throats, stomach ulcers, tonsillitis, tumors, herpes gonorrhea, pain and insect bites.

Note – these have all been documented by scientific research.

Here are some other possible uses: poor circulation, stiffness, wounds, muscular aches and pains, bacterial infections.

Last note – It also enhances the effectiveness of other oils. Peppermint essential oil has the same action, and that is why it is used last in the sequence of oils used during Raindrop Technique.

What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind? Its sweet, balsamic aroma is mentally uplifting and relaxing.

What is the Spiritual Influence? Copaiba has long used for bleeding and internal and external wounds. This is also spiritual significant.

If we are holding onto emotional wounds that no longer serve us, then we are projecting a victim consciousness into the future. This creates inner conflict and anxiety for the soul and takes us away from our true purpose and our connection to the divine

Copaiba allows us to see our wounds and offers assistance with emotional clearing while providing spiritual protection. For those who combat stress and anxiety at work or home, copaiba offers security and grounding. It assists us with staying in the moment rather than projecting backwards or forward.

What Chakra is Affected? The solar plexus chakra.

What is the corresponding Chakra Color? Yellow

How do I use it?

Use diluted – 50:50 dilution (one part essential oil: one part of vegetable oil). Then,

• Apply several drops (2-4) on location • Apply to chakras/vitaflex points • Directly inhale, • Diffuse, or

• May be used as a dietary supplement.

Can this Oil be used for Pets? Yes, this is one of the best natural anti-inflammatory oils you can use for animals. In Brazil the animals will practically take down a tree to drink copal. Apparently, wild bore are best at finding a way to tap into this wonderful resin!

Note about Animal Use: Certain oils can be very toxic to cats. Citrus and pine oils in particular that are not of therapeutic grade. Please consult your vet if you are not sure about applying any essential oil to your pet.

What are the Safety Precautions? First, only use therapeutic grade essential oils! Copal oil has no known contraindications. It is Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA when used in small doses (less than 5 ml).

Repeated use may result in contact sensitization.

Essential Oil Trivia?

Did you know that the Copaiba Tree has to be at least 30 years old to produce therapeutic grade oil? Yes, and it is said the optimal years are between 30 and 50!

Did you know that one or two Copaiba trees per hectare of land in the Amazon can produce up to five kilos of oil per tree about every two years?

Did you know that researchers in a 2002 Brazilian study confirmed that copal was a highly effective topical wound healer in animal studies?


Massage a drop or two into muscles to reduce pain, stiffness and inflammation.

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