Home Uncategorized Alfalfa Plant – Healthy Remedies

Alfalfa Plant – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on January 4, 2017

Medicago sativa L.

The alfalfa plant is a perennial herb, bearing blue and purple blossoms. It grows to 12-32 inches with it’s blue-violet flowers appearing during the summer months.

The alfalfa herb is considered a nutritional supplement and a general tonic.

Its leaves grow in groups of three and is a very nutritious plant for both humans and animals and provides nutrients such as fiber, protein, calcium, trace minerals, and vitamins E, K, and carotene.

Fresh alfalfa sprouts are delicious in salads and sandwiches and the leaves and flowers can be used to make tea.


Take internally for:

* inflammation of the bladder * bloating or water retention * easing indigestion * stimulating the appetite

* cleanses toxins from the body

Use externally for:

* can be used as a poultice for boils and insect bites


Over the counter:

The alfalfa plant is available in a concentrated powder extract, as a tincture, capsules, dried leaves, prepared tea and sprouts.

At home:

Tea: Steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried leaves per cup of water for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink 3 cups a day.


Add the alfalfa sprouts or powdered alfalfa herb to soups, salads and sandwiches. It is a very nutritious plant for animals and humans and is a valuable supplement to our diet.

SIDE EFFECTS: Not serious

This herb can upset the stomach and cause diarrhea. If it does, discontinue use and inform your physician.



* Avoid alfalfa if you have any auto-immune problems or diseases. * Do not use if using blood-thinning medication. * Do not use during pregnancy, while breast feeding. * Do not use for young children.

* Anyone who suffers from anemia should only use this herb under supervision of a herbalist or a licensed healthcare professional.

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