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Natural Cure For Ulcerative Colitis – Healthy Remedies


Ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition characterized by inflammation of the large intestine. As the symptoms develop gradually, with proper precautionary measures ulcerative colitis flare-ups can be prevented. With appropriate natural treatment, the symptoms of this inflammatory bowel disease can be alleviated.

Natural cure for ulcerative colitis primarily includes dietary changes that help to suppress the inflammation. As stress is commonly associated with worsening of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and triggering flare-ups, natural stress reducing strategies can provide fast relief from ulcerative colitis. Complementary therapies such as acupuncture can be used for treating ulcerative colitis.

Natural Ways to Cure Ulcerative Colitis

Dietary Changes

An elimination diet is recommended to identify dietary triggers of ulcerative colitis. Foods that trigger inflammation of the colon and rectum vary. Numerous ulcerative colitis patients suffer from lactose intolerance. Eliminating milk and dairy products from diet can provide relief from abdominal pain, diarrhea and gas.

Intake of fiber rich food should be limited during ulcerative colitis flare-ups. Too much fiber in the diet tends to aggravate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beans and legumes increase gas production. It is advisable to avoid these foods during flare-ups.

However, you can resume your normal fiber rich diet after the ulcerative colitis symptoms subside. By easing bowel movement and improving digestion, dietary fibers help to prevent recurrent flare-ups. Carbonated drinks and caffeine are unsafe during ulcerative colitis flare-ups. By stimulating the intestines, caffeine may worsen diarrhea. Intake of carbonated drinks increases gas formation.

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Foods containing anti-inflammatory constituents help to reduce inflammation of the large intestine naturally. They work by inhibiting activities of inflammatory immune cells. Curcumin, a potential anti-inflammatory compound in turmeric, can reduce inflammation.

Ginger is also beneficial for ulcerative colitis patients. By easing digestion, it provides relief from gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain. The mild anti-inflammatory effect of ginger can reduce inflammation of the colon. The anti-inflammatory property of omega-3 fatty acids may help in reducing inflammation. Flaxseed oil is another rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that can be added to the diet of ulcerative colitis patients.


Certain dietary supplements can be used for treating ulcerative colitis flare-ups. Slippery elm contains antioxidant compounds that help to improve the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Glucosamine supplements can be used for treating inflammatory bowel diseases.

Glucoasmaine is an important constituent of gastrointestinal mucus and immunoglobulin that support recovery. By maintaining the healthy bacterial flora balance in the gut, probiotic supplements can provide fast relief from the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.


Acupuncture can alleviate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Inserting needles at specific acupuncture points stimulate production of the natural pain relief chemicals, which help to reduce abdominal pain and inflammation of the large intestine.

Stress Management

Stress management strategies are often effective in speeding up recovery. Mild physical activities during flare-ups ease bowel movement, thereby alleviating the symptoms of colitis. Exercises can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. Deep breathing, meditation, yoga and tai chi are common relaxation exercises that help to calm the mind and reduce stress. Biofeedback and hypnosis are frequently recommended for reducing stress and sensation of pain.

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