Added/Modified on October 10, 2016
Constipation is not usually a health topic that many people like to discuss. Though there are a variety of reasons why one may suffer from constipation, the inability to evacuate is not often a topic for conversation.
Usually when one suffers from this condition, they want to get help quickly and subtly. It’s important to realize that there are a variety of reasons or possible conditions that can lend way to constipation.
Constipation can occur from too little fiber in the diet, not enough water intake, or even come about after surgery. Constipation can sometimes be brought on by a more serious condition such as diabetes or a tumor, but it is likely associated with something much less serious.
Whatever the cause of constipation, most people don’t usually seek medical attention. As this condition can appear from time to time, it can be quite helpful to find a natural cure rather than turn to an over-the-counter medication that can leave you with the opposite problem.
Natural Cures for Constipation:
It can ease people’s minds to know that there are some excellent and highly effective home remedies for constipation.
These are very natural in most cases and will therefore leave you feeling better without any other undesired side effects.
Cabbage has a great deal of fiber in and of itself and can be a helpful part of any diet.
Drinking a cup of cabbage juice twice a day can act as a very natural home remedy.
This may sound like an odd concoction but this natural cure is very effective and can do wonders to get rid of constipation.
Take a handful of grapes and then boil them in milk.
After the mixture has cooled, drink the milk and eat the grapes.
Mix a half cup of olive oil and orange juice equally.
This is best when consumed each morning and will provide relief rather quickly.
Both the guava and mango fruits contain generous amounts of fiber, just eating these fruits in the morning or at night when you are afflicted with constipation is a delicious cure.
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