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Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on January 14, 2017

Urinary tract infection can turn into a serious complication, in case timely remedial action is not taken. Though a range of allopathic medicines are available for complications related to urinary tract infection, going for home remedies is a better option as this offers a permanent cure. Follow the below listed home remedies and you will get relief from complications related to urinary tract infection.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is an effective cure for urinary tract infection. You need to take cranberry juice three times a day regularly and you will recover from complications related to urinary tract infection. The juice needs to be taken regularly and you must take the same for a week.

Baking Soda

The potential cure for urinary tract infection perhaps lies in your kitchen. Baking soda is an effective remedy for complications related to urinary tract infection. A teaspoon of baking soda added to a glass of water is an effective cure for urinary tract infection. Take the same daily every morning. Acidity in the urine is neutralized by soda and this eventually helps you recover from urinary tract infection. Try this home remedy regularly and you will get relief soon.


Apart from cranberry juice you can take some blueberry juice as the same has bacteria removing properties and will help you recover from any potential complication related to urinary tract infection. Take blueberry juice at least three times a day for having noticeable relief in your condition. Take the same for at least a week regularly.


Pineapple is also effective in treating complications related to urinary tract infection. Pineapple has an enzyme known as Bromelain that is effective in treating urinary tract infection. Have a pineapple daily and you will find improvement in your situation. Alternatively, you can take pineapple juice on a daily basis. Try this home remedy for a month and you are sure to get much needed relief.


Water also helps you get rid of complications related to urinary tract infection. Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday and you will have relief soon. Alternatively, you can have a heated water bottle placed on the lower abdomen. This will help ease any problem associated with urinary tract infection and in case you are having pain in the lower abdomen, the same will be cured. Try this remedy on a regular basis and you will have some relief.

Citrus Fruits

Taking fruits rich in vitamin C helps you get relief from urinary tract infection. Take citrus fruits as oranges on a daily basis as vitamin C acidifies the urine thus preventing harmful bacteria to accumulate. Mixed citrus fruit juice can also be taken in case you are unable to eat oranges on a regular basis. Try this home remedy regularly and you will have some relief.

Follow the above listed home remedies for getting relief from any conditions related to urinary tract infection. Using these home remedies on a regular basis will ensure that you will not need to see a doctor. Start the course as soon as you are diagnosed with any complication related to urinary tract infection. The earlier you start, better are the results.

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