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Home Remedies For Warts – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on July 5, 2014

Warts are common, serious, unwanted, ugly and a painful infection that are caused on various parts of the body. It requires burning, cutting, squeezing and freezing of infected region that gives more pain and bruises for people infected from it. But, apart from clinical treatments, there are a few home remedies for wart available in practice that helps in curing and removing it from the body without any complexity.

Even medical practitioners and health care professionals, advice their patients to use home remedies to get relief from warts without any aftereffects.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is the most frequently used remedy for curing and removing warts. On using it, the organic components in it act efficiently against warts infection. People can soak a cotton ball in vinegar and dab it on the infected region. By doing so, one can get extreme relief from pain and it also significantly reduces the infection.

Use Of Tapes And Band-aids

This treatment is known as duct tape, where the wart infected region is being taped tightly to prevent the air supply for a day or two. This also reduces the blood circulation to the region, thereby easily eliminating warts activities on the skin.

Baking Soda

This is used as the best home remedy for various infections as it has a good quality in removing warts from the body. Baking soda is to be mixed with water and the paste has to be applied on the infected region.

Sometimes, people can use household vinegar, which has to be sprinkled on the slathered baking soda in the affected region.


The simplest home remedy against wart infection is the use of toothpaste. It has to be applied on the affected region, which has to be done daily to get instant relief from wart’s aftereffects.


A well-know medicinal agent, garlic, plays a clinical role in treating wart infection. A clove of garlic has to be crushed and the paste is to be rubbed on the infected region. This application has to be covered properly using bandages, so that the juice goes inside the skin. Even, garlic juice can be used for covering the wart and can provide exclusive results against it.


Banana peel has been used in effectively treating wart. The peel has to be rubbed on the infected surface and covered with a bandage which can acts efficiently in removing wart.

Tea Tree Oil

This home remedy provides outstanding results within ten days of treatment. Tea Tree oil has to be applied at the required dosage that can provide a very relief from pain and rashes present on wart.
Potatoes And Onions

These vegetables have to be sliced and applied on the infected region on a periodical basis. There will be burning sensation in the beginning when it is applied on the wart region, but can provide awesome relief from pain later on.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is available in the form of a solution that will give significant results in curing wart infection. People can soak cotton into this solution and use on the region that helps in quickly removing warts from the body.


This fruit has to be sliced and rubbed on the wart infected area for a few minutes. Sometimes, people can also use lemon juice by dabbing it on the region with the help of cotton.

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