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Home Remedies For Excessive Sweating – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on April 23, 2013

It is an accepted norm that people do sweat it out to burn out unwanted or extra calories and sweating is considered to be healthy. Normal sweating due to heat and other conditions is also accepted as a healthy sign. But, if you observe some of us may sweat heavily, generally people ignore it by terming as body condition.

People must pay attention to this because they can be suffering with hyperhidrosis i.e. excessive sweating. It can be due to the physical structure of a person i.e. being overweight or obese and can be caused due to infections, diabetic problem, menopause, pregnancy, thyroid problem or consumption of excessive alcohol. The best news about excessive sweating in most of the cases is it is inoffensive.

Excessive sweating can be healed through usage of drugs, ointments, medicated soaps, creams etc. But, there are many natural home remedies for excessive sweating. Here are some of the home remedies to cure excessive sweating.


Vinegar has acetic acids that have the ability to clear off the bacteria, infections, etc. It helps in building a strong immune system and reduces the pH levels of the blood. You can add two teaspoons of vinegar with apple cider vinegar’s two teaspoons and drink this two to three times a day. Alternatively, you can dip cotton balls into this solution and rub the under arm area and other areas in your body that you profusely seat from. This can help in controlling excessive sweat.

Tomato Juice

Naturally tomatoes contain antioxidants, carotenoids, lycopene, vitamins A, E and C, potassium, etc. These natural ingredients are very useful for treating a number of ailments.

You can get relieved from the excess sweating problem by drinking tomato juice daily for at least a week’s time. Once you feel that the sweating is under control then you can switch over to drinking the juice on alternate days for another couple of weeks.

Herbal Tea

Sage, a well known herb is enriched with vitamin B and magnesium. Magnesium usually helps in restricting the sweat gland activities. Drinking tea made of sage herb can act as an effective treatment for excessive sweating.


Potatoes are known for its rich carbohydrate contents but it has vitamin C and B6, copper, potassium, magnesium and tryptophan in addition to the fiber. So, potatoes can be effectively used as a natural remedy to get cured from excessive sweating. You can cut the potatoes into slices and rub them under your arm pit to reduce sweating.

Witch Hazel

Rich in astringent properties the witch hazel plant can be used to treat excessive sweating. The leaves of this tree can be made into a paste and applied on the facial area, by doing so; it would dry up the facial area and would help in controlling the infections.

The leaves of this plant can also be used to make tea, and drinking the same can yield better results.

Wheatgrass Juice

Juice made of wheatgrass contains vitamin C, B12 and B6, proteins and folic acid. The juice helps in reducing the toxins from the blood thereby reducing the acidic effect. Wheatgrass juice is a widely used home remedy for treating excessive sweating problem

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