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Home Remedies For Gallstone – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on December 24, 2014

Gallstone is a serious health complication and can lead to deterioration in your health, in case adequate precautions are not taken. Though a range of allopathic medicines are available for gallstone removal, going for home remedies is a better option as these offer permanent relief from gallstones.

Below I’m listing some of the common home remedies that can be taken, in case you suffer from complications related to gallstone.


This might surprise you but coffee offers relief, in case you are suffering from gallstone related problems. Coffee when taken on a regular basis helps you recover from gallstone related problems. If you drink 2-3 cups of coffee on a daily basis, the risk of gallstone presence reduces by over 40 percent.


Cereal intake also reduces the incidence of gallstone. Cereals have an high percent of fibre and are considered a valuable remedy for gallstone removal. Take cereals in the morning for better results. Take cereals on a regular basis and your gallstone related problem will reduce to a great extent.


Lentils offer you the much needed relief, in case you suffer from gallstone related problems. Include nuts, oranges and beans in your diet and you will have visible improvement in your condition.

Take lentils on a regular basis and you will rarely need to consult a doctor for any potential problem related to gallstone presence.


Include salmon fish in your daily dose of diet. Salmon is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids and help in prevention of gallstones. Take Salmon fish and notice the difference in your medical condition.

Red Bell Pepper

Food rich in vitamin C helps in gallstone removal. Red bell pepper is a rich source of the same and in case you take one red bell pepper on a daily basis, you will find visible improvement in your medical condition within a month.


Chances are bright that in case you take vegetables on a daily basis, the incidence of gallstone will reduce to a great extent. Cholesterol in bile is reduced to a great extent, in case vegetable presence is increased. The same leads to decrease in gallstone presence.

Apple, Lemon and Olive Oil

A three day home remedy, this one is considered one of the most effective home remedy for gallstone. Take apple juice for the first two days of the treatment. Take lemon juice and olive oil on the second night of the treatment. On the third day you will be in a position to pass stones and will have visible improvement in your condition.

Wine and Beer

Wine and beer are an effective cure for gallstone removal. Take half a glass on beer or wine on daily basis and you will notice visible improvement in your condition.


Nuts also help you recover from gallstone presence. Unsaturated fats in nuts lead to reduction in gallstone. Take the same on daily basis and you will have visible improvement in your condition.


Water is a natural remedy, in case you are suffering from gallstone. Take 8-10 glasses of water on a daily basis in case you suffer from gallstone presence.

Apple and Citrus Fruits

Include apples and citrus fruits in your diet and take the same on a daily basis. Apples have pectin and the same is considered effective for gallstone removal.

Follow the above listed home remedies and you will notice visible improvement in your condition.

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