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Angelica Herb – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on March 27, 2014

Angelica archangelica

The herb Angelica is a tall, handsome, aromatic biennial that has a tropical appearance.

Its lower leaves are very large with deeply serrated edges, the upper leaves are smaller and has a cucumber peel and gin scent.

It produces round heads of tiny green-white flowers in its second year that produce seeds that are pale brown.

Legend has it that an angel appeared in a dream before a monk and told him to use the herb to cure the plague, which has secured a place for angelica as a protector against evil.


* beneficial for circulation of blood and bodily fluids * can ease colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, and pleurisy * soothes an upset stomach and heartburn * colic, soothes intestinal and menstrual cramps * eases symptoms of rheumatism * cleanse and heal skin ulcers * eases pain of headache, migraine, and toothache

* useful antiseptic for cystitis and urethritis


Decoction Use one teaspoonful of the cut root in a cup of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes, then take it off the heat and let it standfor 15 minutes. Take onecup three times a day.

Tincture: Take 20 drops two or three times a day

Infusion: Add 1 tablespoonful of dried herbs to 2 ¼ cups of boiling water.

Parts used: The roots and leaves are used for medicinal purposes, and the stems and seeds are used in confectionery and flavorings and the preparation of liqueurs.

The herb angelica’s roots should be dried rapidly and placed in air-tight receptacles. They will then retain their medicinal virtues for many years.

Collection: The root of angelica is collected in the Fall of its first year and the leaves should be collected in early summer.

Constituents: angelica’s essential oils including phellandrene and pinene, angelica acid, coumarone compounds, bitter principle, tannin

Actions: Carminative, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, aromatic, pectoral, stimulant, tonic

Combinations: Angelica combines well with Coltsfoot and White Horehound for bronchial problems; for indigestion, flatulence and loss of appetite combine with Chamomile.

SIDE EFFECTS: None expected.

CAUTION: Should not be given to patients who have a tendency towards diabetes, as it causes an increase of sugar in the urine. Do not use if taking blood-thinning medication. Avoid using the herb angelica on skin that will be exposed to sunlight.

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