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Clove Tea – Healthy Remedies


Added/Modified on January 10, 2015

Also Known As: Cloves, Syzygium aromaticum, syn. Eugenia aromaticum, Eugenia caryophyllata

Cloves are the aromatic dried flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtacea. It is an evergreen tree, growing to a height of about 24 feet.

They have large square leaves and clusters of small sanguine flowers that eventually turn green, then bright red. When they turn red they are ready for harvesting.

In shape, the clove buds resemble small irregular nails. They are native to Indonesia, and used worldwide as a fragrant spice.

Today, cloves are harvested in Indonesia, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. They are also grown and harvested in India where they are known as Lavang.

What is Clove Tea? Clove Tea is made from the dried flower buds of the tree.

Clove Tea Preparation: ◦1 quart pure water ◦1 tablespoon whole cloves – freshly ground in a spice grinder or with a mortar and pestle

◦stevia to taste (optional – you can use brewed stevia leaf tea to mix with the clove tea, or use a few drops of liquid stevia extract to sweeten a cup of straight clove tea).

Bring water to a boil. Turn off the heat. Add the ground cloves and let steep 20 minutes. Strain the tea though a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth and drink it hot or cold, makes 4 cups.

Clove tea will keep for a few days in a glass jar or covered pitcher in the fridge.

Benefits of Clove Tea:

Historic uses of clove tea include the treatment of abdominal pain. Its analgesic qualities help with gas pain or other stomach pain upset.

Clove tea is used today to calm the digestive tract and minimize diarrhea. It will also help replace the fluids lost due to diarrhea.

The use of clove tea can stimulate blood flow, saliva production and gastric secretions to aid in digestion. It has an anti-nausea effect and can be used to kill intestinal parasites, bacteria, and fungus infections, such as oral thrush.

Clove tea contains the fragrant active ingredient eugenol. Topically clove tea is used in everything from hand wash to sanitize hands, to bowel preparation.

As a facial wash, it is used in the treatment of acne. Due to its analgesic effects, clove tea compresses can relieve muscle, joint, or ligament pain.

It should only be applied to unbroken skin. With swelling present, ice cold tea should be used, warm tea works better with arthritic pain. Clove tea compresses can also be used for skin fungal infections like ringworm or athlete’s foot.

The National Institute of Health, or NIH, suggests clove is as effective as benzocaine cream for relieving dental pain. It is capable of numbing skin, reducing inflammation, stopping pain and destroying infectious bacteria.

Clove tea is also an effect douche for the treatment of vaginal yeast infection. An enema preparation can be used in the case of fungal bowel infection.

Side Effects of Clove Tea:

Because Clove tea is an antifungal, consistent use may cause yeast die-off symptoms, which in turn causes stomach upset.

Uses in large amounts, the NIH warns clove tea may have blood thinning effects.

Avoid using clove in excess if you take aspirin, or other anticoagulants, or if you are scheduled for tooth extraction or other surgery.

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